I used to be skinny, oh yes I did... you know that saying 'youth is wasted on the young'... it is so so true.
I was a tiny size eight (okay I am talking @16 alright)... but why, oh why, did I wear those big baggy tee-shirts over my swimmers? Now I am quite happy to go down to the pool parading around in swimmers (be it a bikini top with board shorts), trust me, it is nothing anyone wants to see, but I'm happy to show it... who cares... (I think I need a wax..mmmm)
It is so true that as you get older you don't care as much (especially after losing all dignity after having a baby)... but when you're young and got it all... you are so scared of what everyone thinks (I so wish I could go back in time and shake that silly teenage girl).
That's got to be the best thing about getting older... you don't care anymore.. who cares what people think of me... anyway, what was I saying? Oh that's right... I was skinny...
I scoffed pizza like there was no tomorrow (Pizza Hut waitress through Uni.. free food, Yah!)... Mum kept saying 'you're laying down the fat cells'... 'yer right, whatever' (When I go back in time I would also tell that girl to listen to her mother).
So I Hit my 20s... size ten... head over to the UK... got the 'heathrow injection' as the Aussies call it... bang hit size 12.
Had my first realisation that an item of clothes wasn't fitting me anymore... ouch that's a first.
So, I am a ten on top a 12/14 below (yep I'm a pear!)
Fix it
So I've never dieted as such, just not in me. But I can set goals.
I decided to run. I couldn't run to the end of the street.
But I 'trained'. I did a 10k run ('The man' ran it with me... sooo annoying. I trained for 6weeks, he woke up on the day and said 'yep, I'll run it with you'.. and there he was running backwards next to me saying 'come on you can do it'... if only I could articulate the colourful language I wanted to use... anyways... I did it!... then decided to run a 1/2 Marathon. Did it... then go hooked.. over four years I did the Berlin, London and New York marathon... I then tried a triathlon (that's a very funny story I must tell you one day.
Now does that make me sound super fit? Well I wasn't, and I wasn't some skinny marathon runner. I am a 'turtle' as the old story goes... I plod along (wobble) but I get there (eventually). I wasn't skinny.. still a 10 on top 12 below... but I felt good about myself.
Anyways... didn't last as long as I would have liked..
It Changed

After nine months of munching on marshmallows and drinking coca-cola to keep the energy going (don't worry bubs turned out just fine... I took vitamins you see).. baby enters the world and OMG I put on 10kg...
I breastfed.. OMG they LIED you don't lose weight breastfeeding!!!!
Bubs is turning a year in two weeks and I still haven't shifted the 10kg (be it I have given up my job, moved countries, started a new job... you'd think that would be enough stress to lose some weight... but no...)
Here I am.
So bubs is about to turn one. I need to get a grip on things.. so now the journey begins...
Great blog. Can't wait to hear the other stories. Good luck with shifting the10 kg. Will catch up with you along the way.
Your funny!!!
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the rest of your posts.