Sunday, 26 August 2012

Kick off!!

It all kicks off TOMORROW!!

Will I be disciplined enough?
Will this make a difference?

So the rules are:
  • Exercise an hour a day 
  • Be self disciplined with what I eat (no iced mochas or TimTams) and 
  • Overall change my way of living

At the end of the 12 weeks I hope to feel healthy, feel good about myself and to fit into my nice clothes again.

I admit I am nervous, the program is slightly overwhelming.

I am also concerned about where I will find the time to do all this exercise. 

It’s Week One and I already am not sure if I can squeeze in the exercise with all that's going on this week (am I really going to fail on the first week?)

So this week I had to do my measurements and take a ‘before’ photo.

36-24-36 ummmmm, not quite… actually I nearly ran out of measuring tape on the bottom half.

The before photos of me in my underwear produced some scary images… I did have this fear I’d hit ‘all staff’ when I emailed it to myself … now that would have left me with some explaining to do…

So after tomorrow,  I will never again say I'll start tomorrow..

so here we go.... 
                          up, up and away


  1. YOU CAN DO IT! You've trained for and run marathons - you definitely have the discipline to see this through. And an hour a day is nothing - that's just one 24th of all the time in your day. Easy peasy! x

  2. Don't think, just do, it makes it much easier! Good luck!

  3. For me to fit everything in (exercise, breakfast, prepare lunch) - I'm getting up at 6am (or so the plan is). I'm so not a morning person but so far the desire to get the exercise out of the way is getting me out of bed!

    Just remember to plan your week out.. then take each day at a time! I have two work people who are being mean and sending me food pictures, dominoes offer and talking up their chocolate cookie at the moment lol. Hopefully I can "forget" that I'm eating healthy. :)
